Lija Sarmah


When you bring a painting home, you are not just trying to adorn your walls. Its like revisiting some part of your being. You cherish that being. 


Welcome To My Website

Dear Art Solicitors,

Soul Shots is a narrative of scattered memories and hopeful truths.  As you see through the paintings, all that is revealed is a language of eloquence and essence. Its plain, simple but monumental. Beneath each painting, a larger picture awaits that declares the purpose of the artist. In my case I am in the temptation for humble beginnings.

To be a professional, its takes a lot in developing your craft in earnest. The fun part is, the journey is exciting. 

Explore My Paintings

All the compositions are hand painted on accurate surface like paper or canvas. Each one designed keeping the perspective easy and right. Whether its a landscape drawing or floral depiction, decide which one captures your mind.


Whether you pick a watercolour or Oil each one has a different feel and appeal to it. Delighted to offer different styles and techniques.

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